Showing posts with label frog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frog. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Sibling Baby Gift

So, I had a sweet new great-grand-daughter born and my 5 year old grand-daughter wanted to make a present to give to the baby.  Since her nursery was done in pink frogs, I had my 5 year old gd start by coloring a frog that we found in one of her coloring books.  I then found an old frame in my stash and using the frame backing, I mod podged some pink scrap book paper, then mod podged on the frog.

Then, I painted the frame a soft pink and distressed it.

It looks perfect in the nursery :)

Have you ever thought to do pink frogs in a nursery?  How about sibling gifts - any great ideas?  Please share!