So, my grand-son-in-law found this great antique little table by a dumpster and brought it to me for a makeover. It was an old-style end table with a flip-up top to put your stuff inside and a small slot on the side for books or magazines. Inside the table were old newspapers. The first thought that came to mind was to paint and distress the table and mod podge the newspapers on the inside of the flip-up top. I sat it in my garage to await it's turn. Then, I had a water pipe leak and it leaked all over the table and inside as well. The newspapers were ruined but I was hoping to still salvage the table but it literally fell apart when I picked it up to move it. Sadly, the table was too far gone for a makeover. I did, however, salvage the wood from the flip-up top! I wood glued the pieces back together and decided to make a plank-board "Welcome" sign. I started by sanding it all down, then adding some grey and white dry brushed paint on top and finally a little teal mixed in for interest and to make it look old and wonderful, this is what I ended up with:

I had a stencil that said "Welcome" and stenciled it on in a deep grey color.
I added some chunky wooden knobs painted in the same deep grey color and a rusty hook I already had. I also added eye hooks to the top and a wire hangar which I embellished with strips of flannel that I tied on to the ends. It turned out really cute!
Cute enough that is is already SOLD!
Even though the original plan for the table didn't work out, I am glad that I was able to use part of it for this fun project! Sometimes, you have to change direction when mishaps occur.
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